Madonna Archive

Are Women The More Interesting Sex In Music?
April 3, 2014
Madonna has recently made another notable notch in her three decade controversy crusade. The superstar took her antics into the 21st Century by uploading a selfie with her defiant hairy armpit in full view, proclaiming: “Long hair…… Don’t Care!!!!!! #artforfreedom #rebelheart #revolutionoflove”. In all seriousness, what male pop star would attack a social convention as
The Battle of Madonna and Lady Gaga
November 4, 2013
Not exactly a stranger to the concept of the celebrity feud, Madonna’s lengthy reign as the Queen of Pop never really came under any genuine threat from those who dared to challenge for her crown. That was of course until Lady Gaga arrived all guns blazing at the tail end of the 00s. Displaying a
Album Review: Madonna ‘MDNA’
April 7, 2012
On Hard Candy Madonna catered a bit too much to the dance scene, and as a result it didn’t have the emotional impact many had hoped for and expected. After all, at that point Madonna could seem little more than a brand name for a compilation of music by different producers. While almost every one