Morrissey Archive

Morrissey’s Most Controversial Statements
November 6, 2014
“I’ve never intended to be controversial but it’s very easy to be controversial in pop music because nobody ever is.” It’s hard to take Morrissey’s denial that he isn’t deliberately acting like pop music’s biggest troll too seriously considering there doesn’t seem to be a week that goes by where he isn’t shooting his mouth

Morrissey’s Still Ill Relationship with Fansite
March 14, 2014
Here’s a little word of advice for any burgeoning Morrissey fans: don’t. Just don’t go there. By all means, listen to the man’s music, dance around to “How Soon is Now?”, court the opposite sex (or same, if that’s your thing) to Smiths albums, ponder and mull (thoughts, not wine) and reflect alone with Moz

How Soon Is Cancelled? Morrissey Announces 2014 Tour Dates
February 13, 2014
After a period of poor health forced Morrissey to cancel a string of both South and North American tour dates last year, the Mozfather is set to return to the states this year for a tour. The British icon kicks off the trek on May 7th in San Jose, followed by a May 10th show

Morrissey’s Best Albums
November 26, 2013
From fronting The Smiths to his vastly successful career as a solo artist, Morrissey’s penchant for somber wit has remained. Though his works are bleak, his often tongue-in-cheek delivery encourages a wide palate of emotions, making his range one of legendary proportions. Few artists are able to embody such a prominent personality through songs rooted

Morrissey’s Most Depressing Songs
September 27, 2013
The jangly guitar riffs and epic indie-pop melodies often masked the rather depressing nature of The Smiths’ output. But Morrissey hasn’t earned his eternal miserablist reputation for nothing and amongst both his solo and former band’s back catalog, there are a plethora of songs that are so immediately unremittingly bleak that they make Leonard Cohen
Johnny Marr Performs Smiths’ ‘How Soon is Now?’ with Stones Ronnie Wood
February 28, 2013
Let’s get this out of the way right now. Johnny Marr is no Morrissey. Singing just isn’t his strong suit, but the man can still wield an ax like he could during his heyday in the 80s. At the NME Awards last night, Johnny Marr grabbed the Rolling Stone’s Ronnie Wood to help him out

The Best Words That Have Come Out of Morrissey’s Mouth
June 17, 2012
Bigmouth strikes again And I’ve got no right to take my place With the human race So sang one Steven Patrick Morrissey on the classic Smiths’ album The Queen is Dead. And though that album was released more than 25 years ago now, the “bigmouth” label is one that has followed the fellow more commonly