Commentary Archive
Worst Movie Songs of All Time
June 30, 2012
In honor of the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic I thought I’d take today to look at the truly awful songs that have plagued movie soundtracks over the years. It is a rather dubious feat if you think about it. Music is supposed to uplift an audience, setting the mood for
Making a Case for Ticket Brokers
November 19, 2008
The collective ignorance in this world baffles me to no end and unfortunately it only seems to grow by the day. Today I ran across this soapbox piece by Judith Lisi, CEO and President of the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center, stumping about the collective evils that ticket brokers present to the public and ticket

Top 25 Songs of 2005
January 4, 2006
2005 proved quite a refreshing year for music, polishing the apple and unleashing quirky pornographers on savvy music kids across the nation. The best of the breed proved to be an eclectic mix, spanning everything from the resurrection of 70s disco fever to addicting bubble gum pop Britney would trade her first born for. The
Songs in the Key of Blue
October 7, 2005
Before writing for ConcertTour, my only outlet for getting my musical ideas out to the masses was Amazon’s Listmania compilations. They were cheesy little sales tools for Amazon to hijack my musical expertise to sell albums, but sometimes you make concessions to get access to a wide audience. Well I’m taking back my lists Amazon.