Commentary Archive

Why Did My Chemical Romance Break Up?
April 16, 2014
When My Chemical Romance split up, you could practically hear the rending of garments and the tearing out of hair from distraught fans across the world. And while you might think that those disappointed by the loss of MCR are made up of fourteen-year-old girls wearing too much eyeliner and listening to “Teenagers” on repeat,

Britpop: Twenty Years Later
April 14, 2014
Just over twenty years ago was the release of Oasis’s first UK single “Supersonic”, a point in history that marks the beginning of when Britpop stops being the preserve of the British indie scene and becomes the reigning moment of pop culture for an entire decade. The 1990s was a particularly strange time for British

Is Lady Gaga The Ambassador Of The Gay Community Or Exploiter?
April 14, 2014
A virtual unknown six years ago, Lady Gaga has since managed to usurp Madonna as the gay community’s pop diva of choice thanks to a string of empowering anthems, a series of outlandish visual statements and a devotion to supporting LGBT rights which has bordered on the messianic. But ever since she burst onto the

Calculating the Face Value of a Concert Ticket
April 9, 2014
While it’s an understandable statement to make that “ticket prices are far too expensive nowadays”, what people really mean when they say things like that is usually not anything to do with how small promoters are swindling attendees at Open Mic Nights. It is still possible in most parts of North America and Europe to
Whatever Happened to Kurt Cobain’s Rumored Solo Album?
April 8, 2014
Love him or hate him, Kurt Cobain is one of the most instantly recognizable figures in music. The Nirvana frontman is a face that everybody recognizes from somewhere—whether from the iconic “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video or mournfully covering David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold The World.” Tragically, the event that cemented his place in

The Best Songs of John Frusciante, Guitarist of Red Hot Chili Peppers
April 7, 2014
The Red Hot Chili Peppers have a ton of personality. It’s apparent on their records, but most prominent when they’re on stage. Anthony Kiedis is a frenetic and active frontman, his melodic gargle of a croon and swaying personality serving as the perfect fit to the Chili Peppers’ infectious mixture of alternative, funk, and punk.

Are Women The More Interesting Sex In Music?
April 3, 2014
Madonna has recently made another notable notch in her three decade controversy crusade. The superstar took her antics into the 21st Century by uploading a selfie with her defiant hairy armpit in full view, proclaiming: “Long hair…… Don’t Care!!!!!! #artforfreedom #rebelheart #revolutionoflove”. In all seriousness, what male pop star would attack a social convention as
Why Did Kate Bush Stop Touring?
April 2, 2014
Kate Bush is a musician who changed the place of women in music. Whether you remember her wafting around in the “Wuthering Heights” video or covering The Rolling Stones in early pub gigs, she wasn’t at the mercy of corporate overlords or label whims. She represented a musician who was entirely in control of her
Whatever Happened to Poe After ‘Haunted?’
March 31, 2014
Do you remember Poe? Chances are unless you are a music junkie, the answer is no. Poe’s disappearance from the music scene was so sudden, so total, and so surprising that it seemed like it could have made up the plotline for a musical murder mystery. If you listened to any kind of popular music

Why Some Musicians Make It While Others Remain in the Shadows
March 29, 2014
It was the beginning of the new millennium. I had just exited graduate school and saw my engagement unexpectedly collapse only to discover this mythical thing called time on my hands. Me and a handful of friends dove into the Atlanta music scene head first, especially the singer-songwriters coming out of Decatur’s Eddie’s Attic. John