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15 Hit Singles Artists Regret Making
May 25, 2019
We’ve all been there. We’ve written or said something we instantly regretted. These moments make us thankful we aren’t under the blinding spotlight of fame. Once an artist releases a song, however, there’s no taking it back. Here are some artists who hate or regret creating their own songs. James Blunt “You’re Beautiful” In interviews,

George Michael: An Artist Trapped in the Body of a Pop Star
December 27, 2016
The first time George Michael hit my radar was during the awkwardness known as 7th grade. I was in Language Arts one morning, and two of the hottest girls in school were wearing their George Michael concert t-shirts, fresh off seeing him on the Faith tour. To the teacher, they were recounting their breathless, rain

Top Ten Isolated Vocal Tracks of Classic Songs
December 3, 2016
Since songs about “anacondas” and feeling “like a plastic bag” are popular right now, I would like to take you back to a simpler time. A time before Carly Rae Jepsen was asking you to call her (maybe). A time before “cake cake cake cake” implied more than a delicious, sugary birthday dessert. And especially

Are There Any Positive Rock ’N Roll Models Out There?
November 12, 2016
I must preface this piece by letting you know I’m not some preachy, over-protective parent whining about how there are no good role models left in the music industry. I’m not going to complain about Miley Cyrus and her choice in nipple pasties. I’m not going to talk about Madonna and Britney’s infamous on stage

The Lasting Significance of Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet
February 13, 2016
Bruce Springsteen will always take the cake as New Jersey’s poster boy for music, and deservedly so. But Bon Jovi are also one of New Jersey’s finest, and one of the most important artists of the ‘80s. When the era was riddled with cheesy, hair-heavy bands relying too much on falsetto and image to ascend

Talking with YOOFS: The Twin Brothers and Their Busy 2014
July 23, 2014
“Me and Rich are brothers… twins actually” says Michael-James Dent, one of two young men behind YOOFS, a low-fi indie duo whose wall-of-sound guitars have lent themselves to an impressive catalogue of tunes. “We’ve been playing music together since we were about 14 or 15. It originally started as a three-piece playing in our mate’s

Is American Music Becoming Less American?
July 7, 2014
America is widely considered to be the birthplace of all modern popular music. And even when Beatlephiles, British Invasion geeks and classical/jazz zealots claim the mantle for their own camp, nobody can deny the business of selling music as the product of almost-supernatural stars, the model we’re all familiar with today, is every bit as

Top 10 Earning Dead Musicians
June 18, 2014
Even though some of us spend our entire lives working two hundred hours a week just to afford the falling-to-pieces room in an apartment we share with four students and a family, some people break it a little luckier than that. Some people succeed in not only making ridiculous amounts of cash when they’re alive,

Hip Hop In 2014? We Q&A Historian Seb Elkouby
June 16, 2014
When someone says History most of us aren’t picturing Compton or the Bronx, RUN DMC, Salt N Pepa or anything else related to Hip Hop for that matter. But Sebastian Elkouby certainly does. A Hip Hop enthusiast, blogger and historian of the genre, we asked him — when the genre has never been so big

Meet Fancy Reagan: VH1’s Newest Overnight Success
June 13, 2014
After a sleepless 24 hours of musical challenges, Fancy Reagan was announced as the winner of VH1’s “Make A Band Famous” competition. Held at the Liberty Warehouse in Red Hook, Brooklyn, the event featured 24 bands competing for one life-changing grand prize: a record deal with Republic Records, exposure on VH1’s “You Oughta Know” program,