News Archive

Youtube to cull indie labels “in a matter of days”
June 18, 2014
YouTube is to begin a mass cull of music videos by artists on independent labels due to a refusal by many of them to sign up to the licensing conditions for Youtube’s new streaming music service. Artists including Adele and Arctic Monkeys are among many ‘major’ artists who are actually signed and registered with independent

Simon Cowell launches his quest for the ‘Ultimate DJ’
May 5, 2014
Simon Cowell’s latest entrance into popular culture has been confirmed after his new talent show for DJs has been given the go-ahead, ending two years of speculation over whether the project would happen. Initially planned under a partnership with Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith’s Overbrook Entertainment, the deal has now gone ahead with SFX

Top 1% of Superstar Musicians Earn 77% of the Income in Music
March 7, 2014
Somewhat depressingly, but equally unsurprisingly, new research from MIDiA Consulting has found that the modern music economy favors the world’s megastars more than we’d initially thought, with 1% of superstar musicians earning 77% of music’s overall income. “The music industry is a ‘superstar economy,’ that is to say a very small share of the total

Atlanta’s Tabernacle Due to Reopen on Valentine’s Day
February 12, 2014
Atlanta’s famous Tabernacle venue is set to reopen in time for a Valentine’s Day concert this Friday, after being shut down during a Panic! At the Disco concert earlier this month when the floor, well, broke. The band was a mere two songs into their set when the floor began to buckle. Fire marshal Lt.

Country Music Gets Documentary Treatment by Ken Burns
January 21, 2014
PBS documentary maker Ken Burns is planning on creating a documentary series which is set to examine the roots of country music and how it has changed from its beginnings through to the present day for a multi-episode series due to air on public broadcasting. The country series explores the question, “what is country music.”
Reselling Digital Music Runs into Legal Hurdles
April 2, 2013
When I was in high school I experienced a tragedy in my life of epic proportions that I labeled “The Great CD Loss of ’99.” All that actually happened was that I left a case with nearly every CD I owned on a bus after a trip, but of course those are the kinds of
AEG Rolls Out Ticketmaster Competitor AXS
August 23, 2011
AEG, the entertainment giant, has announced they are launching their very own ticket selling service online called AXS (pronounced “Access”). This means that AEG won’t be relying on Ticketmaster any longer, which is the dominant online ticket retailer that every year sells tickets by the hundreds of millions to event goers who are looking to
ScoreBig Looks to Become the Priceline of Ticket Sales
July 21, 2011
There are websites that will let you name your own prices for rounds of golf, rental cars and hotel rooms, but how about live entertainment events? The website can help get large discounts on all the latest sporting events, concerts and latest shows. There is also an invite code right now that can used
Outbox, Ticketmaster Founder Look to Put Ticketmaster Out of Business
June 26, 2011
It’s incredible what can take place after golden parachute non-compete clauses and other exit packages for high-level executives expire. Take for example Fred Rosen, the 61 year old founder of Ticketmaster. After clouding the concert experience of fans for three decades with high service fees, he has returned as a partner of Outbox Enterprises, a
Apple Look to Shut Down your iPhone’s Camera at Concerts
June 17, 2011
Many concerts prohibit attendees from taking video footage or photos. However smart phones have become increasingly sophisticated, making it hard for these rules to be enforced by event security. However reportedly Apple is developing software which would shut cameras off at concerts. On June 2 a patent was published that would utilize infrared receivers that