Louis Armstrong Duet with Lil Wayne? How Jazz Influenced Hip Hop
May 12, 2014
Jazz. Hip-hop. Jazz. Hip-hop. Jazz. Hip-hop. Just two different things at their heart, really, when you think about it. Right? When you think about the genesis of jazz, the first thing that crosses your mind is probably a bunch of well-dressed gentlemen knocking back

What Story Will Jay Z’s Legacy Tell?
May 9, 2014
Jay-Z is truly a force to be reckoned with at this stage in his career. At 44, he’s got an estimated net worth of $520 million, is married to one of the foremost pop stars of our time, and has a formidable twelve albums

Posh Pop And A Decade of Keane’s ‘Hopes and Fears’
May 8, 2014
On May 10th this year, it will be exactly ten years since Keane’s Hopes and Fears charted in 19 countries worldwide. An emotionally charged, soft melodic rock record that would start the careers of four Sussex lads who to date have released four studio
So What Do Arcade Fire and Plato Have in Common?
May 7, 2014
So, being a cultured type, you know immediately what I’m talking about when I bring up Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, dontcha? Well, I’ll explain anyway (mainly for my own sake). Imagine a cave. In this cave are a bunch of people, restrained in

We Talk Punk in 2014 with Louise Distras
May 6, 2014
Louise Distras is a Punk who varies slightly from the standard recipe. While like her fellow hellraisers and revolutionaries she has a pretty big bone to pick, hers it seems, is with Punk itself. “I’m no authority but I have noticed that the audiences

Simon Cowell launches his quest for the ‘Ultimate DJ’
May 5, 2014
Simon Cowell’s latest entrance into popular culture has been confirmed after his new talent show for DJs has been given the go-ahead, ending two years of speculation over whether the project would happen. Initially planned under a partnership with Jada Pinkett Smith and Will

Is Pitchfork Still the Center of the Indie Music Universe?
May 2, 2014
In a slightly disconcerting 51-second video uploaded in 2006, dissonant piano music plays. Then; a man—no, not a man, a dummy dressed in red, with the name Sound Team taped to it’s chest, swerves into view of the shaky-cam footage. The dummy is swiftly

Lorde and Iggy Azalea Seem to Misunderstand Music Journalism
April 30, 2014
Lorde has recently taken to her Tumblr blog to write a short post complaining about the music press. To explain her point, she posted an image of Complex’s October/November 2013 issue with Iggy Azalea on the cover next to Complex’s recent review of Iggy’s

10 Best Songs About New York City
April 30, 2014
Ah, New York City. The city of dreams, creator of artists, inspiration behind countless big-name, generation-spanning songs. New York lays claim as the subject of probably more gorgeous songs than any other city in the world; something about the combination of old and new,

Interview with Stefan Babcock of PUP
April 28, 2014
PUP are an example of that rare breed of band for whom noise pollution and permanent ear damage are of no immediate concern. Hailing from Toronto, who’s scene seems to be throwing around great bands like a petulant child (only with better results), these