George Michael: An Artist Trapped in the Body of a Pop Star
December 27, 2016
The first time George Michael hit my radar was during the awkwardness known as 7th grade. I was in Language Arts one morning, and two of the hottest girls in school were wearing their George Michael concert t-shirts, fresh off seeing him on the

Top Ten Isolated Vocal Tracks of Classic Songs
December 3, 2016
Since songs about “anacondas” and feeling “like a plastic bag” are popular right now, I would like to take you back to a simpler time. A time before Carly Rae Jepsen was asking you to call her (maybe). A time before “cake cake cake

20 Songs That Ripped Off Other Songs
November 27, 2016
Is imitation truly the sincerest form of flattery? In light of this week’s ruling that Robin Thicke and Pharrell are guilty of violating Marvin Gaye’s copyright, I bring you 20 instances in which artists were accused of being copycats. Not all of the examples

20 Bands We Will Regret Not Seeing Live
November 19, 2016
I’ve always wished I could have seen The Doors, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Nirvana. Unfortunately, I was born a little too late to enjoy these acts live. In an effort to appreciate what live music opportunities I currently have instead of longing for

Are There Any Positive Rock ’N Roll Models Out There?
November 12, 2016
I must preface this piece by letting you know I’m not some preachy, over-protective parent whining about how there are no good role models left in the music industry. I’m not going to complain about Miley Cyrus and her choice in nipple pasties. I’m

Is Roadies Better Without Cameron Crowe?
August 10, 2016
I’ve been super excited about the concept of Roadies for almost a decade. When I first heard Cameron Crowe was doing a show centered around the music industry, and Zooey Deschanel was attached to the project, I was beyond excited. Now this was pre-New

Top 10 Jobs for Music Addicts
July 31, 2016
So, if you’re on this site, it’s a pretty safe bet that you like the whole music fiasco, right? I’d venture to guess that you’re A bit of A fan at this stage. And, whether you like to relax with a few records at

If It Ain’t Broke, Remix It? Does Remixing Songs Ruin or Enhance Them?
July 22, 2016
It is inevitable that we find ourselves nostalgically yearning for the music of our adolescence— those songs take us back to our formative years, bringing up good (and sometimes bad) memories with them. Many current movements in art, fashion, society, and music often reflect

What Makes Music Pretentious?
July 15, 2016
What exactly makes music “pretentious”? It’s “something full of pretense; an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true”. It’s an insult that’s levied against any number of bands often with little back-up or explanation. Is it the lyrics? The music?

Concert Tickets: Service Fees, Face Value and Where Your Money Really Goes
May 7, 2016
As the summer concert season is well underway, perhaps you’ve had to forgo a few other concerts you wanted to attend in order to afford a bigger show. The problem of high ticket costs has been a heated topic for a while now, but