
Biggest Musicians Yet To Play The Super Bowl

With Madonna’s spectacle last year pulling in over 114 million viewers, an incredible three million more than the actual game itself, the Super Bowl half-time show has become an integral part of the NFL’s biggest day. Initially restricted to marching bands, with the odd

Album Review: Green Day ‘¡Tre!’

If we’re being honest, the first two installments in Green Day’s back-to-basics trilogy, ¡Uno! and ¡Dos!, did not differentiate themselves enough to warrant the ambition of the band in releasing their music this way. ¡Tre! is where they absolutely have to prove that three

Album Review: Ke$ha ‘Warrior’

Ke$ha is an interesting animal. She exists somewhere on the periphery of both terrible and great music, having already proven she is very capable of serving up either when she feels like it. For the most part, she seems to approach music in much

How Kickstarter is Revolutionizing Music Funding

It’s nearly impossible for an independent artist to earn a livable salary with the current music industry standards, where the artists earn a miniscule portion of sales revenue. Even on new streaming services like Spotify, it takes millions of plays before an artist can