
Kanye West Is Not a Genius

A blog post on NME by David Renshaw entitled “Stop Booing Kanye West: His ‘Rants’ Are Part Of What Makes Him A Genius” has things profoundly wrong in my opinion. Well, as profound as any opinion on Kanye West could be. In the above

Is American Music Becoming Less American?

America is widely considered to be the birthplace of all modern popular music. And even when Beatlephiles, British Invasion geeks and classical/jazz zealots claim the mantle for their own camp, nobody can deny the business of selling music as the product of almost-supernatural stars,

10 Things You May Not Know About George Strait

Ah, George Strait. It’s now impossible to hear that name without a nostalgic twang lassoing the speaker’s voice. After decades establishing himself as the King of Country music, George Strait is throwing in his cowboy hat with The Cowboy Rides Away tour. Finishing up

London’s First Vinyl Library One Year On

Elly Rendall and Sophie Austin are two record revolutionaries who one year ago set out to start London’s first vinyl library. Run as a not-for-profit since day one, they aimed to start a space where pre-digital music culture and an intimate spirit can collide

Top 10 Earning Dead Musicians

Even though some of us spend our entire lives working two hundred hours a week just to afford the falling-to-pieces room in an apartment we share with four students and a family, some people break it a little luckier than that. Some people succeed