Adele Gives Chris Brown an Etiquette Lesson at Grammys

It seems that Adele was none to pleased with Chris Brown’s lack of respect after he lost the Urban Contemporary Album category to Frank Ocean. As Ocean walked toward the stage to receive the award, he appeared to receive a standing ovation from everyone in the audience except Brown, who remained seated.
Adele, who was sitting (er… standing) nearby, was then caught on camera in a pose that suggested she was yelling at Brown, with Brown looking somewhat timid. No audio exists of the exchange, however.
Ocean and Brown have a history of conflict, as they were involved in an altercation outside a Los Angeles studio almost exactly a year ago.
It appears Brown can’t stay out of trouble around Grammy time. It was four years ago that he was arrested after a pre-Grammy party for assaulting Rihanna. However, the on-again-off-again pair seemed to be back together at this year’s Grammy show.
The moment of Ocean’s win also became the most social event of the night, according to Billboard. The Grammys overall were the second most social event of the year so far (behind the Super Bowl), and there were more than 15.4 million social interactions concerning the event on Twitter and other platforms. Those interactions peaked when Brown snubbed Ocean, and other popular moments were Jay-Z joining Justin Timberlake on stage to perform “Suit & Tie” and fun. winning the Song of the Year award.
The amount of interaction during the ceremonies represented a 511 percent increase over last year’s Grammys, likely due to an aggressive social media campaign by the event leading up to the show.
Ocean won the Urban Contemporary Album category for his debut studio solo album, “Channel Orange.” Brown lost for Fortune, his fifth studio album. Channel Orange also was nominated for Album of the Year, and the song “Thinkin Bout You” was nominated for Record of the year.
Why don’t you leave Chris Brown alone? Where is it written that one has to stand up and applaud when awards are given out? This article was totally unnecessary.
hes an ass —and it will only be a matter of time before he gets in trouble again…keep that legal team close by…too bad he was a cute kid when 1st came on the scene talented…but has serious anger issues!
He’s a piece of s**t!! Any man that lays a hand on a woman is a coward pussy that needs his balls removed!