NEEDTOBREATHE Exhale for Summer Tour with Foy Vance

NEEDTOBREATHE have just announced that they’re due to embark on a summer tour this year with Foy Vance filling in support duties.
The tour is due to kick off on May 1st in Springfield, Missouri, and will see the band make stops Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, Atlanta, Chicago, Toronto, and Detroit, among other places, before wrapping up on June 21st in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
According to a new interview with Billboard, lead singer Bear Rinehart claims the band were close to calling it day. After their 2011 album The Reckoning, NEEDTOBREATHE spent more than two years touring and lost drummer Joe Stillwell part of the way through 2012.
Rinehart says he, his brother/guitarist Bo and bassist Seth Bolt were just about ready to call it quits when tensions rose within the band dynamic.
“It was a combination of a lot of things”, said Rinehart. “We’d been doing this for a long time and we hadn’t really had enough rest to be honest. It had been probably eight or nine years since we’d taken a few weeks off and it makes it really easy to get your priorities messed up. Ambition had really taken hold of us a little bit. You start to value that more than the people around you, and that’s really dangerous.”
Luckily, a six week break from one another later and the band managed to record their upcoming record, Rivers in the Wasteland, with Rinehart saying, “there was such a freedom making this record. I really feel like this album is such an autobiographical thing. It’s really the transition in us as people put down to music over a year’s period of time. When you listen to the album from start to finish you’ll hear that.”
He added, “We are here for a reason and we ended up naming the record Rivers in the Wasteland because we really felt like that hope, something came out of nothing. . . We started loving each other and enjoying the moment and immediately things started being more inspired. We started getting surprised by what was happening rather than dictating everything. That’s really what the record is about.”