The 13 Secrets of Taylor Swift’s Massive Success

Whether you want to or not, odds are high that you can’t go a single day without seeing or hearing something about Taylor Swift (especially now that she has kicked off her 1989 tour). With current headline-grabbing artists such as Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, and Britney Spears clamoring to steal everyone’s attention, how did seemingly normal Taylor Swift manage to surpass them? If you don’t think she’s taking over the world, think again. Last year, Swift released 1989, her fifth studio album, and it sold 1.287 million copies in its first week. If that’s not enough to convince you, she accidentally released a track on iTunes Canada that contained eight seconds of white noise; it immediately went to number one. Many people suspect that Swift could release a fart and it would be a chart topper. Until that happens, what has been her secret formula for success?
- She has a strong work ethic.
When she was 11 years old, Swift begged her mom to take her to Nashville so she could deliver her demo tape to various record labels. How many 11 year olds are that put-together and knowledgeable about the music industry? Since then, when she isn’t touring, she is prepping for tour or writing new music. When does this girl sleep?
- She loves her fans.
Swift has taken the fan-artist relationship to a whole new level. Widely known for paying special attention to her fans, Swift enjoys spoiling the people who have contributed to her success. She goes above and beyond the rushed backstage meet and greet typical of most artists by thinking outside the box. She has invited fans to bake cookies with her on Valentine’s Day (at her fabulous New York City apartment, nonetheless). She once crashed a fan’s bridal shower before smothering the bride-to-be with wedding gifts. In support of her 1989 album, Swift hand-picked fans to listen to the album before anyone else and invited them to her homes in New York City, California, and Nashville. She has been known to seek out fans for photos and send them handmade letters, gifts, and photos. When she has some downtime, she even replies to fans on her social media accounts, often bestowing them with breakup advice, words of wisdom, and encouragement.
- She values songwriting as an art.
While critics are quick to point out that most of her songs are about breakups, it is undeniable that Swift knows how to write a song. She moved to Nashville when she was 14 years old, making her the youngest songwriter to be hired by the Sony/ATV Tree Publishing House. Getting her start in the Nashville community instilled a sense of being grounded to music as an art, instead of viewing it as a get-famous-quick scheme. In an interview, Swift said, “It’s a symbiotic relationship, and if you don’t take care of it, then they won’t take care of you. I’ve never been more proud to be part of a community that’s so rooted in songwriting, so rooted in hard work and in treating people well. It was the best kind of training.”
- She transitioned from country to pop.
While her music always contained quintessential pop elements, Swift began by branding herself as a country artist. It was only last year when she finally announced 1989 would be her first official pop album. Swift took what she learned from her country music start and filtered it through a pop lens, which widened her already massive audience and has quite possibly been the best thing for her career. Since she is fluent in the art of songwriting, she didn’t try to force another pop-country album into her repertoire. Instead, she chose to follow her pop passion project and immerse herself in it.
- She writes and produces her own music.
Early in Swift’s career, RCA wanted her to sing other people’s songs, so she walked away from her contract and signed with Big Machine, an independent label that gave her complete creative control of her music. While she collaborates with other songwriters, she always has a hand in her music. In an interview with Billboard, Swift said, “I wouldn’t be a singer if I weren’t a songwriter. I have no interest in singing someone else’s words. When I’m in a room with a writer for the first time, and I bring in 10-15 nearly finished songs as my ideas, I think they know that I’m not expecting anyone to do the work for me.”
- She doesn’t use her sexuality as a crutch.
Ke$ha struts around the stage in minimal clothing while dancers in penis costumes prance about. Nicki Minaj releases music videos like “Anaconda” that prominently feature her… assets. Miley Cyrus wears nipple tassels and grinds on her dancers. Madonna has simulated masturbation during her concerts. Katy Perry has hits like “I Kissed a Girl” and “Teenage Dream” that emphasize her exploration of sexuality. I don’t necessarily think Taylor Swift is better than any of these artists, but one thing she does differently is that she doesn’t overtly rely on her sexuality to sell records or make headlines. You won’t see her writhing around the stage, as she typically sticks to her trendy uniform of red lipstick and full coverage outfits. Unless she bares her (gasp!) midriff. This isn’t to say that there isn’t a subtle sense of sexuality underneath her self-proclaimed cat lady exterior, but she is very modest about it.
- She appeals to a wide audience.
Because of her demure attitude and her overall girl-next-door image, Swift has won the parent vote; that is to say, parents approve of her, and let’s face it, that’s where she rakes in the big bucks. Teen girls love her. Boys love her (until they get older and are a little embarrassed to admit it). And who is paying for their albums, merchandise, concert tickets, etc.? The parents. Young adults love her (especially since she embraced pop and is now played at bars). Basically, Swift offers a little something for everyone. Kids look up to her. Young adults can relate to her lyrics. Adults admire her hard working attitude and positive image. She’s a win-win for everyone.
- Her lyrics are honest and realistic.
Swift’s lyrics about heartbreak and betrayal earned her a reputation for being a serial dater. She has been criticized (and applauded) for putting her exes on blast in different songs. John Mayer, Harry Styles, Taylor Lautner, Conor Kennedy, and Joe Jonas are among the few Swift has supposedly written about. Swift doesn’t automatically go on the defensive when confronted about her love life, but she stands by her songs, saying, “People haven’t always been there for me, but music always has.” She speaks realistically and honestly about her experiences and feelings, and although they can seem sensitive or even hostile at times, she embraces these emotions and validates them. In an online comment to a heartbroken fan, Swift wrote from the heart:
I think we grow up thinking the only love that counts as true love is the kind that lasts forever or is fully realized… I don’t think that’s how it works. I think unrequited love is just as valid as any other kind. It’s just as crushing and just as thrilling… You are loving someone purely because you love them, not because you think you’ll ever have your affections reciprocated. You are admiring something for its beauty, without needing to own it. Feel good about being the kind of person who loves selflessly. I think someday you’ll find someone who loves you in that exact same way.
Dr. Swift should be charging for such amazing, heartfelt advice! In addition to speaking openly about heartbreak (without feeling ashamed to do so), Swift tackles other issues that she identifies with, such as being bullied. Her song “Mean” calls out all the people who judged her, bullied her, and said she wouldn’t amount to anything. While a lot of artists have spoken out against bullying, Swift addresses its seriousness, but also manages to inject a sense of playfulness into her writing when it comes to her own experiences with naysayers. Take her hit “Shake It Off” as a prime example of this.
- She associates herself with the right people.
Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Martha Hunt, Emma Stone, Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevigne, Sarah Hyland. All these women are known for being beautiful, inspirational celebrities, and Swift is smart to align herself with the right kind of people. In addition to having quality best friends, Swift also professionally links herself to some amazingly talented acts. She has invited artists such as Ed Sheeran, Jennifer Lopez, Ellie Goulding, Tegan & Sara, Sara Bareilles, Carly Simon, Patrick Stump, Mick Jagger, and Imagine Dragons’ Dan Reynolds to join her on stage for memorable collaborations. You can tell she’s having a blast when performing, and she shares that energy with everyone around.
- She makes entertaining music videos.
Her “Blank Space” video has over 900,000,000 views on YouTube. Last month she released her action packed (and star-studded) video for “Bad Blood” and it already has over 127,000,000 views, not to mention it broke the Vevo world record for bringing in 20.1 million views in 24 hours. Eleven of her music videos are Vevo Certified with over 100 million views each. Clearly, she’s doing something right.
- She is proud and protective of her work.
When she made headlines for pulling her music from Spotify last year, Swift published an op-ed piece for the New York Times, saying, “Music is art, and art is important and rare. Important, rare things are valuable. Valuable things should be paid for. It’s my opinion that music should not be free, and my prediction is that individual artists and their labels will someday decide what an album’s price point is. I hope they don’t underestimate themselves or undervalue their art.” In addition to being an anti-piracy advocate, Swift has trademarked various lyrics from songs off 1989 such as “this sick beat” and “Nice to meet you. Where you been?” By registering these phrases, she ensured that no one else can make money off her own intellectual property.
- She is generous.
Swift endowed the Taylor Swift Education Center at the Country Music Hall of Fame with a $4-million donation, and donated $100,000 to the Red Cross during a 2008 flood in Iowa. In addition, she has supported UNICEF, Feeding America, and Habitat for Humanity, among others. All proceeds from her single “Welcome to New York” are given to the New York public school system. Talk about spreading the wealth!
- Lastly, her music is stupidly catchy.
Just admit it already—her music is ridiculously infectious. Whether you want to love her or not, chances are you already do and you don’t know it. SNL tackled this issue perfectly when they released their skit “Swiftamine,” which advertises a pill that can cure the vertigo brought on by discovering you love Taylor Swift’s music.
Its amazing, how she does her work and my hope is that I can emulate somebody as hardworking and as dedicated as she is…simply brilliant!